Saturday, December 6, 2008

Yule Be Sorry

Image: Biljana Vjurdjevic The Last Days of Santa Claus

Yule Be Sorry can be downloaded directly by clicking here.
Much in the spirit of the fruitcake, this is a regifting of last year's Christmas mix.
I think this is what is called a "Christmas Tradition".

It's a Christian Christmas version of the Brady Bunch theme song.
I don't remember who made this.

00:58 Mystery Science Theater 3000: Patrick Swayze Christmas
Santa Claus Conquers the Martians

White Christmas mashup origin forgotten.

07:10 Ozzy Osborne and Jessica Simpson
Winter Wonderland
rom a
tv special, I think. Jessica Simpson is to singing as __________ is to ____________). Amazing.

09:13 James Brown Santa Come Straight to the Ghetto

12:08 The Ventures Jingle Bell Rock under-

14:05 Terence McKenna Santa Claus is a mushroom

14:42 Spinal Tap Christmas with the Devil.

16:19 The Who Christmas from Tommy

18:12 Richard Cheese Holiday In Cambodia

19:44 Mel Blanc Yah Das Ist Ein Christmas Tree.

22:46 Run DMC Christmas in Hollis.

25:33 Flaming Lips Christmas at the Zoo from Clouds Taste Metallic.

Midtown Bootboys Santa was a skinhead.
These guys were genuinely bad, racist, violent nazis. Ha ha. -ermh- Ho Ho HO.

30:27 AKIM & The Teddy Vann Production Company Santa Claus is A Black Man.

33:40 Sarah
Silverman Give the Jew Girl Toys.
That's Zach Galifianakis as Santa.

35:55 Low
Just Like Christmas

38:50 Beck Little Drum Machine Boy

41:53 Mark Vidler/ GoHome Productions Carpenters Christmas (Karen Meets Roots Radics Uptown)

45:33 Elvis Presley Blue Christmas into:

46:56 Joe Perry Blue Christmas from Merry Axemas.

49:00 The Kinks Father Christmas.

52:34 Patton Oswalt: Alvin and the Chimpmunks Christmas bit.

53:59 The Waitresses Christmas Wrappin.
Not rare. Not annoying. Notice faux Chic "Rapper's Delight"/ "Good Times"
bassline and cadence this time.

58:10 Tom Waits
Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minneapolis
Christmas is right there in the title. Fa la la la la!

62:24 XTC
Snowman from English Settlement

67:17 Cocteau Twins Frosty the Snowman.

70:01 The Pogues Fairytale of New York

74:28 Jackson Five Give Love On Christmas Day

77:19 Jimi
Hendrix Auld Lang Syne


  1. Geeze, that Mel Blanc record -- was it supposed to be a kid's album? 'Cause alot of the songs are about, well, you figure it out.

    I Love Me - "I love me till I'm all out of breath"

    Little Red Monkey - " I hope you like this happy, slappy monkey, little red monkey, cute as can be..."

    My Kind of Love and The Missus Wouldn't Approve - are kinda lewd, too.

    Then there is standard kiddy-fare like Toot Toot Tootsie and The Woody Woodpecker Song, which I guess now that I mention it has the word "pecker" right in the title. and "Wood", too. Geeze, they all sound dirty. Is it me? It's just me, isn't it?

  2. This is a glorious way to kick off the holiday season. I'll use it to kindly repay my coworker who forced me to listen to her Starbucks Christmas album in the car the other day. Ah, the joy of giving.

  3. I gotta say that this mix really is a sort of retaliation. I approve!

    Sidebar: title of heavy metal Christmas compilation- "Bah Humbucker!"
